Monday, March 17, 2014

What does your exercise regimen look like?

What does your exercise regimen look like? Are you doing endless hours of cardio? Hitting the gym every now and then because you pay a membership fee? Spinning out of control? You don't need to spend hours in the gym on the treadmills, stair climbers and elliptical machines. So what do you need to do?

Number one - start in the kitchen. You cannot out train a bad diet, you just can't do it. Now maybe your younger self can, but as you get older that will change. Finding out your key numbers is an important piece of that puzzle and definitely something that I can help with. 

It is 80% Nutrition and 20% Exercise = 100 % Mindset. This does NOT mean chicken and broccoli every meal, squirrel eating and rabbit food.  I have increased my calories this years, increased my muscle and decreased my body fat.

Number two - High Intensity Interval Training - H.I.I.T is intense and will burn more calories in less time. Basically low to moderate intensity activity mixed with bursts of all out (high intensity activity). My goal is cutting fat and building strength, which lines up with the H.I.I.T activity. 

Example: These next 3 weeks I am working on 15 sec high intensity, 45 sec moderate activity for 15 rounds. During the Ohio Body Transformation Challenge my H.I.I.T was 45 secs and 2 minutes off. I have been using the treadmill, but this can be done by running outside, elliptical, bike, jumping jacks and so much more. 

Number three - Weight training - As I said, I am not lifting to bulk, but I am lifting to help my body gain strength. As we age our muscles atrophy unless we do something about it. I noticed this when I turned 30, but I really noticed in my 40's. I am the only person that is going to take care of me, it is my job to take care of me and I plan to be the best me I can for myself and for my family. 

Now I didn't just start out in the weight area of the gym, nor did I ever see myself lifting again. I actually began over a year ago with the Herbalife24 Fit DVD's and as I worked through the program and completed it, I gained confidence. I gained confidence in myself, my ability and my own strength. I went from there into the gym and I have been lifting since October, I am definitely NOT bulky, but I feel good. 

Number four - Don't undo it all after your workout. You must give your body the proper fuel. Don't leave the gym and forget to refuel your body. My treat is Herbalife24 Rebuild Strength, it is an awesome recovery drink, it tastes fantastic and it is chock full of protein, BCAA, branch chained amino acids, L-Glutamine and more. It has what your body needs to PROPERLY refuel my body and a bonus...It tastes so great!! I earn my recovery shake every.single. workout. That is very important to me. 

Start slow, get your numbers, find a partner, but mostly just get started. If you would like some help, I would love to help you get started, get your numbers and help you feel as great as I do!!

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