Sunday, August 19, 2012

Working on my fitness

Wow where has the time gone, the last 10 weeks have flown by.  Around here schools are already back into session which is crazy to me, but true.  

These last several weeks I have really committed to myself and my exercise program.  Exercise is not something I have ever particularly enjoyed, it was a necessary evil that I just dealt with every now and then.  When I lost my excess weight 10 years ago, I really focused after that on maintaining that weight loss, I eat healthy, mostly whole foods, rarely, if ever, anything processed and I have never been someone to enjoy fast food.  So I have taken care of myself and maintained my weight.  Just before I started this new journey I noticed some shifting in my weight and calorie requirements and knew it was time to kick thing up a notch and that is exactly what I have done.

Over the last several weeks though I have been focused on using the Herbalife24FIT DVD’s and I must say I have really enjoyed it.  I actually look forward to the workouts and get slightly annoyed when my day doesn’t go quite as planned.  The difference I see in myself in the first phase is remarkable, I am so happy that I took the pictures so I could actually see the difference.  I dare say I am a little proud of myself for sticking with it too.  I don’t know if I can post pictures on here, but if so I will.

Now a little about the DVD’s – They are broken up into 3 phases and each phase is 8 weeks long.  The first phase is all about stability and I definitely noticed a difference between week 1 and 8.  Week 1, I am pretty sure I fell over I know I was very wobbly. I am now entering phase 2 which is strength and a whole new ball game.  I am definitely being pushed, it’s more difficult, but I am staying with it.  I will be taking new pictures on Monday which is something I have been trying to every other week.  The pictures are actually helping me to push forward.  I can physically see the difference in them.   I don’t really see much when I look in the mirror every day. 

I had a customer walk in on Wednesday and say “hey where’d you get the butt?”  I have to admit, it felt good to have someone notice that didn’t know I had changed anything in my routine.  

My next challenge – STAY OFF THE SCALE.  That has been a daily struggle for me lately to the point of obsession, so this week I stayed off as much as possible.  I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin, something I have never felt.  I want things to not jiggle and I want to defy gravity, even if it’s just a little bit.  Is that too much to ask?

Monday, June 4, 2012

Where to begin

I don't even know where to begin, not only with this blog, but at times in my daily life too.  SOOO I guess I will just dive in.  By the way, this is a HUGE step out of my comfort zone.

I have been married to my husband for 12 years, we dated for 5 years prior to that.  We have had our ups and our downs, but at the end of the day - he's my lobster.  One of our biggest "secrets" to success? Respect.
I am a mom of 2 boys, 25 and 19.  Xanthin is my bonus boy who has been a part of my life since he was just 2.  He's currently stationed in Colorado Springs with the US Army and unique.  Michael my youngest is a mini-me, his thoughts, his reactions, his looks, it's incredible.  The second he was born I was filled with a greater love than I ever knew possible.

I have no idea why I feel the need to write right now, I am an extremely private person regarding my thoughts and especially my feelings.  The thought of being hurt is overwhelming at times and so instead I retreat.  I have overcome A LOT in my lifetime, more than any one person actually knows or probably ever will. Right now I feel like putting that to the side.  You will probably see a lot of grammatical errors as this is my weakest link, so please over look them. 

I am an accountant by trade, but left the field when I was laid off a few years ago.  While I love numbers and spreadsheets, I love giving and caring more.  Not much love in taxes.  I enjoy taking care of people, have a soft spot for older people and I am the "mother hen" when I go out with friends, which is not often.  I am generally the last to leave a situation and just feel the need to make sure everyone is okay. 

Now my career is as a wellness coach and I am privileged in that I get to be a part of changing lives every day.  I feel that this is what I was meant to do with my life, help facilitate change, care and give all that I can.  Whether that is with their weight, their health, their fitness, their lifestyle, their income, their giving, their faith, their living…  Balance is my struggle, daily.

Some of my new goals.
  • Get serious about exercise.  It's not something I have loved to do in the last several years, but at one time in my life I did. 
  • Get into the outdoors more, I retreated indoors years ago and stopped spending time outside.  I burn easily in the summer and my extremities go numb quickly in the cold.  I am ready for new challenges and embracing the outdoors again.  I just wish I would have about 10 or 15 years ago instead of now. 
  • Build better relationships. I am so afraid of being hurt, I don't let people get too close, at times that includes my husband, my kids, my family and my friends.

     As for anything else, I guess we'll learn over time.  Tomorrow I begin with exercise.