It's so easy to place blame isn't it? I know that if we tried, and it would not be hard, we could even get others to join in our rally cry of blame. I could have blamed others for life, my situation, my mood and unhappiness. I could have told myself it was them, not me and blamed my past, my childhood, my health, or my brain surgery. I am sure if I stayed in the mindset and that life I could have many come attend my party of blame and even tell me how right I was. At that party I could have had people tell me that I deserved more because I worked hard, I was a single mom, or I was a victim. I deserved because they had more and didn't struggle like I did. "They" didn't know the struggle of someone in my situation and how hard it was, or how unfair life was. It's so easy to take the road so well traveled, to take the easier route and join the ranks of "it's not fair."

Frankly, I do deserve more. It is not because someone else has more and should share. I deserve more because I chose not to settle. I made the sacrifices to get the education, I made the sacrifice to spend 30 minutes a day working on me, I made the sacrifice to spend my evenings or my Saturday in a learning environment vs on my couch in front of the t.v. complaining about how unfair it is that I don't have....
We have a choice to be bitter or to be better. I want to be a little bit better each and every day. I make a decision every, single, day to be happy. I have had setbacks, I have had my moments, life is fragile after all, but I don't stay there. I choose not to let the actions of others affect me because their actions are not about me, it's about them. I choose to not react or get mad or look through angry eyes because I don't want to give someone that control in my life. I don't want a piece of someone else's pie because theirs is so big and they don't possibly need it all. I want my own pie! We have choices in our life, it's time we start living our lives and writing our own stories.
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