Monday, June 4, 2012

Where to begin

I don't even know where to begin, not only with this blog, but at times in my daily life too.  SOOO I guess I will just dive in.  By the way, this is a HUGE step out of my comfort zone.

I have been married to my husband for 12 years, we dated for 5 years prior to that.  We have had our ups and our downs, but at the end of the day - he's my lobster.  One of our biggest "secrets" to success? Respect.
I am a mom of 2 boys, 25 and 19.  Xanthin is my bonus boy who has been a part of my life since he was just 2.  He's currently stationed in Colorado Springs with the US Army and unique.  Michael my youngest is a mini-me, his thoughts, his reactions, his looks, it's incredible.  The second he was born I was filled with a greater love than I ever knew possible.

I have no idea why I feel the need to write right now, I am an extremely private person regarding my thoughts and especially my feelings.  The thought of being hurt is overwhelming at times and so instead I retreat.  I have overcome A LOT in my lifetime, more than any one person actually knows or probably ever will. Right now I feel like putting that to the side.  You will probably see a lot of grammatical errors as this is my weakest link, so please over look them. 

I am an accountant by trade, but left the field when I was laid off a few years ago.  While I love numbers and spreadsheets, I love giving and caring more.  Not much love in taxes.  I enjoy taking care of people, have a soft spot for older people and I am the "mother hen" when I go out with friends, which is not often.  I am generally the last to leave a situation and just feel the need to make sure everyone is okay. 

Now my career is as a wellness coach and I am privileged in that I get to be a part of changing lives every day.  I feel that this is what I was meant to do with my life, help facilitate change, care and give all that I can.  Whether that is with their weight, their health, their fitness, their lifestyle, their income, their giving, their faith, their living…  Balance is my struggle, daily.

Some of my new goals.
  • Get serious about exercise.  It's not something I have loved to do in the last several years, but at one time in my life I did. 
  • Get into the outdoors more, I retreated indoors years ago and stopped spending time outside.  I burn easily in the summer and my extremities go numb quickly in the cold.  I am ready for new challenges and embracing the outdoors again.  I just wish I would have about 10 or 15 years ago instead of now. 
  • Build better relationships. I am so afraid of being hurt, I don't let people get too close, at times that includes my husband, my kids, my family and my friends.

     As for anything else, I guess we'll learn over time.  Tomorrow I begin with exercise.